Saturday, October 24, 2009

Nia and Sadie - Crazy Kind of Love

We should all get along like cats and dogs! View a sweet moment caught on film with my new Flip Video Camera!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Caption this Photo!

This picture cracks me up. Mostly my pups (Nia's the black. Cheyenne's the blond.) are sweet, but they sure don't look it here. They look... I don't know. Like they've got an attitude. What do you think they're thinking?

Make my day and caption this photo!

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Our family grew up with horses. Well, not with them, but they were always around. When I was a kid, we had several. I had my own pony. Her name was Topsy-Turvy and I showed her in 4-H. I even won some ribbons!

Later, I graduated to horses. I remember the first time a horse reared--with me on it! I fell off and wrenched my wrist. I also remember the first time a horse bit me. And when one tried to kick me. But mostly my memories are fond ones.

I. Love. Horses.

That said, I haven't been around them in years. Haven't ridden in eons! So, unlike my sister Barb--a fantastic horseman--I was a tad nervous when we went riding in the mountins on our recent trip to Wyoming.

Luckily, my mount, Jack, was a doll. Although he did jump a creek instead of walking down into it. But I held on and stayed on! I was so proud.

Barb was a pro. She even helped the wrangle saddle our horses!

We had a grand week long adventure, but I have to say, that horse back ride was a highlight for me. Such magnificent animals. To share that moment with my sister was a huge treat! Did I mention, I love horses?

SIS Beth

Monday, September 14, 2009

Moosing on the Cake

All week long we were on a search. A search for the moose. We wanted so badly to see one, to be able to check it off our list but darn it, it stayed away. Until...

the last day of the trip as we're driving off Flat Creek Ranch. It takes 1 hour and 15 minutes to get down to Jackson Hole. 1 hour and 15 minutes of going 5-10 mph in a Suburban. 1 hour and 15 minutes of being tossed from side to side of said Suburban. Picture yourself in a barrel and being pushed down a rocky, steep mountain. Yep, that's how it felt. But it was worth it. We were driving around a bend in the road when we saw it. From a distance at first but I knew, KNEW it had to be our moose and guess what folks? He was amazing!

~~SIS Barb and SIS Beth~~

Friday, September 11, 2009

A Wild Beauty

So yesterday, after spending about 10 hours at Yellowstone National Park, we were making the 2 hour drive back to our hotel. I admit, I was speeding even though there are signs everywhere not to because of all the wild animals. However, we were ravenous and there are no restaurants between the park and our hotel. Anyway, we're cruising down this hill when we see a ton of cars parked on the side of the road. Another NO NO. They have what are called turnouts and you're supposed to use those, but there wasn't one and we knew they must be looking at something, so I slammed on the brakes, skid in the gravel, grabbed the camera and hopped out.

This is what we saw. So beautiful, so solitaire, so amazing. We've seen a number of wild animals since we've arrived and we'll share them all with you, but this is the closest we've come...yet!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Play Hard, Sleep Hard

Meet my beautiful fur-kids, Nia (the crazy pup) and Cheyenne (the sensitive dog). Nia's the black lab mix and we think Cheyenne's a cross between a Belgian Malinoi and a German Shepard. They both like to play.

Although Nia's the rougher one. A definite Tomboy. Or is that Tomdog?

Usually Cheyenne poops out first, but eventually Nia winds down, too. I think they're the cutest dogs ever. Well, at least in the current Ciotta household!

SIS Beth

Saturday, September 5, 2009

What If...

What if...fantastical animals truly existed? What if they weren't just a myth but real creatures that walked amongst us? Would you want to live in a world with such beauty and intrigue? I know I would.

Which mythical animal would you like to see?

~~SIS Barb~~

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

'Tales' from Brooks

Well, Shadow and Whiskers are having a great time, being here just a little over two weeks. At ten weeks old they are incredibly smart, they learn so fast, this is the time to instill good habits.

I saw them lying side by side, touching, on the back of a sofa one day gazing out the window. They turned their heads in tandem to look at me as I came down the stairs. Darn it, the camera wasn't ready and I missed the shot! But that incredible picture of brotherly love is etched in my memory. I keep the camera with me and powered up when I go down the stairs now, hoping to catch a repeat of that scene while they're still young.

But as you can see, they gave me another gift... a photo op... an actual session. Feast your
eyes on Pots O' Kitties. Shadow is in the pot with the avocado tree and Whiskers is in the
pot where the citronella used to reside. Don't worry, they're using their litter box. And then on the next go around, they must have known what I wanted to see, two peas in a pot.

I love these guys. They're getting used to the lap and we're bonding. : )

Shadows and Whiskers in the forest.

Shadows and Whiskers in the pot.

Submitted by Brooks C

Sunday, August 30, 2009

My Wish List

As most of you know I don't have any pets. Sad isn't it. I was raised surrounded and I mean surrounded by animals. Horses, dogs, cats, chickens, goats. You name it, we had it. My husband on the other hand only had a cat. Hence, he's not a big animal person. We have 2 children and I think they, we, would benefit from having a dog. Therein lies my battle to win a dog. I have a couple on my wish list but this big guy is the main one.

The breed is known by a couple different names. Cane Corso (pronounced like the name Connie), Italian Mastiff, Italian Molosso and Cane Corso Italiano. Everything I've read about this breed amazes me. From their docile nature to their role as guardian of the family.

This is the dog for me.

Many people in the states crop their ears, giving them an intimidating look. I much prefer their natural state, their Italian state.

Wish me luck!

~~SIS Barb~~

Saturday, August 29, 2009

'Tales' from Brooks

Eight weeks old, having just arrived at their new home, Shadow and Whiskers haven't
ventured outside of their carrier yet. They have no idea of the adventures that await them.
Within the next couple of hours they came out and timidly looked around, then elected to
spend the night under the bed. A couple of days later they hadn't left the bedroom and I
was beginning to wonder how to get them to expand their boundaries. What was it that
our previous cat, Lydia, couldn't resist? Ahhh, the laser light! That did the trick. They
followed it out into the hallway without hesitation. Retiring the laser light, I watched them
turn the hallway into a racetrack. Such joyous abandon. Inside of six days, they owned
the house. Now if I can just get them to pay the mortgage.
Shadow and Whiskers, two wonderous male kitties born on June 18, 2009
More to comere to come, I'm sure. Happy to join all of you animal lovers.
More to come!
Submitted by Brooks Conner

Friday, August 28, 2009

What Would You Be?

If you could be / had to be an animal...which would you choose? For me, that answer is simple.

Wild Mustangs

~~SIS Barb~~

Nice Hair

This photo was taken at the Indiana State Fair. I took it because if my son's hair was white, it would look exactly like this. His hair is mega curly but dark brown. I usually call him a monkey, perhaps he's really a sheep!

~~SIS Barb~~

A Unique Vacation

Yearning for a unique vacation? Wide open spaces and lots of love? If you're not afraid of a little hard work, interacting with animals... If you want to make a difference while having a lot of fun... then I have the place for you!
I learned about the volunteer program at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary from a regular patron at our library. She and her niece spend two weeks there every year showering love and attention on homeless animals from all over the country. They've made it a tradition. She always comes back energized and with a boodle of amazing stories. Click here to read about fantastic adventure!

SIS Beth

Channeling Jane Austen

Last Halloween (2008), we dressed in costume at the library. I chose a Regency ensemble that I had made several years ago for a special event at Romantic Times Convention. I went as Jane Austen! When I came home I asked Steve to take a picture of me with Billie and Cheyenne. I so adore those old portraits of a 'lady and her dog'. Our modern house in the background spoiled the effect, and Billie and Cheyenne were distracted by passersby, but I still love the picture. One for my scrapbook!

SIS Beth

Queen Billie

Ooh! I guess I get to be the first contributer! I'd like to share a picture of Billie. We adopted her from a rescue mission when she was two-yrs-old. Her previous owner had neglected her horribly. Maybe that's why she was so receptive and wanting of our love. Billie was with us for 14-yrs! That means she made it to the age of 16! That's pretty old for a dog.

Billie was an affectionate soul with a stubborn and free spirit. Sometimes we called 'Queen Billie'. Sadly, we lost our beautiful girl in the spring of 2009 after a fierce battlle with Cancer plus the effects old age has own a dog's bones and joints. However, she lives in our hearts and runs like the wind just over Rainbow Bridge.
Long live the Queen!
~~SIS Beth

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Welcome to Animal Tales!

Welcome to a place where we celebrate our Furry Friends! Pets and wildlife of all varieties are very important to us here at SIS. Do you share our love and appreciation of animals? Do you have a picture and/or story to share? Email us at and we'll upload your animals pics and tales. Share the love!